Our Mission
Our mission is propagating the gospel of Christ, nurturing saints to spiritual maturity and preparing people for eternity with Christ through the administration of the undiluted and life-changing word of God and meeting their needs in Christ.
Our Vision
Our vision is to spread the Word of God to the end of the earth while brightening the little corner where we are. Being a Bible believing church, where the teaching and a missionary approach emphasize the proper conduct and moral behaviour of people following in the steps of Christ. To see all our members experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in the body of His family.
Our Beliefs & Teachings
- The divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures.
- The unity of the Godhead and the Trinity of the persons therein.
- The utter depravity of human nature, the necessity for Repentance and Regeneration and the Eternal Doom of the finally impenitent.
- The Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Atoning Death, Triumphant Resurrection, Ascension and Abiding Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ; His Second Coming and Millennial Reign upon the earth.
- Justification and Sanctification of the Believers through the finished work of Christ.
- The Sacraments of Baptism by Immersion and of the Lord’s Supper.
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit for Believers with signs following.
- Church Government by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Church Teachers and Elders/Deacons.
- The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the edification, exhortation and comfort of the Church, which is the Body of Christ.
- The possibility of falling from Grace.
- The payment of Tithes and Offerings in appreciation of the love of God.
- Divine Healing through obedience to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ and Faith in His name and merits of His blood for all sickness, disease and infirmities.
- Faith in God, the “Jehovah Jireh” to supply all financial needs.
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Leader of our team. He is our Chief Shepherd and Director. We aim to encourage and develop every member to be a minister through effective leadership development programs. Activities in the vineyard are coordinated by core volunteers leading each subgroup and this is coordinated by the pastor.

Pastor ‘Femi Mogaji
His major focus is to assist people to find a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and be nurtured to spiritual maturity in Christ while he himself will not be a castaway when Jesus comes. He has pastored churches in Nigeria for 9 years, Enfield for 7 years and has been the pioneering pastor here in Luton since inception. He has been involved for a number of years, in youth ministry and assisted families to survive, by the grace of God in these contemporary times.
He is ably supported by Sister Rhoda in the work of ministry. They have been married for over 38 years. She is a devoted wife and mother and a trained counsellor and Sunday school teacher. She had been a school teacher for 25 years in both primary and secondary schools. This has given her a passion for the youths. She also has a burden for the widows and the needy. She was consecrated a Lady Evangelist in Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide in 2008. They are blessed with 2 boys and 2 girls.

L/Evang. Rhoda Mogaji

Elder Samuel Onojobi
Church Secretary

Joba Mogaji
Church Evangelist

Oluwabunmi Ogunlola
Pastoral Assistant

Festus Aghafekoghian

Babatunde Adeneye
Head Usher

Florence Ojo

Hannah Aghafekoghian
Our History
We are a branch of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Worldwide, a Pentecostal mission founded in Nigeria, West Africa through a nationwide revival and prayer.
As a branch, we had our first worship service on Sunday 2nd October 2005 at Rayham Way Community Centre, 66 Eaton Green Road, Luton. LU2 9JE. When the centre was closed down by Luton Borough Council, we moved to London to jointly establish the Christ Apostolic Church, Narrow Gate Model Assemblies in Enfield.
We have the vision to spread the Word of God to the end of the earth while brightening the little corner where we are. We are a Bible-believing church, where the teaching and a missionary approach emphasize the proper conduct and moral behaviour of people. We re-launched in Luton at our current site – Kestin House – on 6th November 2011.
We are affiliated with CAC Worldwide – an international network of Apostolic Churches which are linked via regional and state structures. We are located in the East of Luton in Bedfordshire.
Our mother church was founded in 1928 as the first indigenous Holy-Ghost filled church in Nigeria through a revival led by Apostle Joseph Ayodele Babalola and since then, the church has grown to have parishes worldwide with a total congregational strength of millions of people.
We are led by the Holy Spirit and guided by God’s words in the Bible – we worship and follow his Son, Jesus Christ who has opened up the way back to God especially in a time like this. We develop everybody to be a minister. We encourage everyone to use his or her talent under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We are a church where the emphasis is on the doing of the word and being worthy ambassadors of the Lord Jesus. Sharing God’s love in fellowship while keeping Eternity in focus.
Our Policies
Church Name
We believe there is no denomination in heaven and that no particular denomination is a gateway to heaven. Jesus is the only way. We are however affiliated to the Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide and we believe in their apostolic based tenets. The name of our church or any eventual branch will simply be Christ Apostolic Church – identified by the street location only. It will not have any other special tag name (Mountain or Valley). A church founded and built on Christ, following Christ’s pattern and practising the apostolic doctrines.
Church Ownership
Our church belongs to Christ who has purchased it with His precious blood (Acts 18:28). Our church is not for profit and no single individual can lay claim to it. It is a church of God that belongs to everybody. Although God has used some people to establish it, they are tools in the hand of God. Our church is God’s business and everybody passing through will give an account of his or her stewardship unto God the owner. The leadership of our church can also be reviewed at any time as the need arises.
Christ is our message and heaven is our goal. Our messages will, by the grace of God, be simple gospel, true and clear, built on the foundation of Jesus. It is not the messenger that is most important; it is the message. Our messages would, therefore, reflect “A wonderful Jesus” and not wonderful preachers. The emphasis will not be on the letter but rather on the acts. We will encourage members to be doers of the word and see themselves as God’s advertisement.
We hope to set up a church of Christ where the right information is shared; where salvation through Jesus Christ is preached; where the bible is the standard for faith and practice; where an opportunity to serve in Jesus Name is provided for all. We do not intend to cover the whole world at a go. We are also not aiming at being a megachurch but a small church with a big vision; a collection of followers of Christ who love God and each other and are committed to living holy lives to brighten the corner where they are. The New Kings James Version of the Bible will be formally adopted for use in our services. Other versions may be used by individuals for clarity so far the key message is not lost.
Women Ministry
We are a church where everybody is encouraged and developed to be a minister. Even if our stream of faith states women cannot be pastors or elders, they still have significant places of influence where their giftedness can be leveraged and insights applied. Women have a viewpoint and understanding of the human experience that is unmatched. Women can be lady evangelists, deaconesses, Sunday school teachers, choir leader etc. Remember women in Jesus’ ministry.
It is a general belief that the church is after people’s wallet. Our church is one without an offering plate. We want to be careful not to ask our members for donations because we do not want to bother them especially those who cannot afford to give. We would rather our member know and mature in the Lord and give when it is in their hearts to do so (II Corinthians 9:7). We believe the Church is Christ’s and the course His. He will surely provide the means for his work in his own way. Jesus emphasised the importance of even the smallest gifts when he pointed out the obedience and sacrifice demonstrated in the widow’s two mites. We will avoid debt and control our spending based on our resources. One may think our focus may be limited by finance but our vision is not. We want God to dictate the pace. What he wants is our availability, not our ability. It is our wish to publish the church’s income and expenditure for members’ information on the first Sunday of each month. Although the Pastor in charge will be aware and has ultimate responsibility and accountability, he will not be a signatory to the bank account but he will ensure that adequate financial controls are in place and working effectively. On tithing, we would not stop those who want to give in appreciation of God’s love but definitely not out of compulsion. Our stand is that Christ did not outrightly condemn the payment of tithe, he only condemned the leader’s attitude towards it at the expense of other more crucial things like mercy and taking care of the needy.
Church Authority
Since we are affiliated to the Christ Apostolic Church, we will be subjected to the tenets and authority of the church. However, we stand on the fact that Christ is the head of the church, which he has purchased by his precious blood and therefore, the only Lord. Our loyalty is therefore first to the Lord Jesus. We will follow the earthly authorities to the extent to which they follow Christ and will encourage our members to do just that. Where the instructions of the earthly church leaders clashes with that of Christ, Christ’s will definitely prevail.