Honouring God with Thanksgiving

Honouring God with Thanksgiving

Honouring God with thanksgiving is what we have to do everyday of our lives. Our praise and thanksgiving honours God but our grumbles hurts God. Stop grumbling, stop complaining and start honouring God with your thanksgiving
Honest motives

Honest motives

Honest motive. What is your motive for serving the Lord? Are you just using God to meet your own need? God judges your honest motive because He looks at the heart while man looks at the face. Are you the same person in secrete as you are in public? What is your honest...
Seeking Jesus

Seeking Jesus

Seeking Jesus should be the main focus of Christians. We need to live our lives and model it after Jesus. Seeking Jesus and seeing Him should be our daily goal. We should seek Jesus for the glory of God and winning Him. Seeking Jesus should be done to know Him...
The tragedy of silence

The tragedy of silence

There is always a tragedy when you keep quiet while you need to speak up. Silence tragedy is something that can be avoided by speaking up and seeking help from God
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