The risen Christ

The risen Christ

Jesus, the risen Christ. He was born, was crucified, died, was buried, resurrected and remains alive. Even though Jesus was crucified and resurrected, He has gone to heaven and he is coming back again.
The cross of Christ

The cross of Christ

The message of the cross, to some its foolishness but for us it is the power of God. In the cross of Christ, we have our hope and energy. Jesus died and resurrected, this gives us life.  
Take heed how you hear

Take heed how you hear

In this life, you need to take heed how you hear because whatever you hear, you will need to practice. You have to focus on God and listen to God’s word rather than just hearing because this is how we can know the way of God. You need to know God before you can...
When things don’t go your way

When things don’t go your way

When things are not going according to plan or not going according to your way, remember that God has put you there for a reason and has a plan for you. His ways are not our ways, so we have to surrender to Him as He knows the end from the beginning. God may choose to...
Spiritual Development (Pt. 2)

Spiritual Development (Pt. 2)

Developing spiritually is something that we have to take seriously. It takes conscious effort and the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit. This is the concluding part of the spiritual development sermon which was started last week. As we aim to develop...
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