Text: Psalm 103:1-5; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 119:164;
Notes – Why appreciate God
- There is so much to appreciate God for
- We need to think well to see things to thank God for
- The scientists are discovering what God has created
- To forget God’s benefit is to provoke Him to anger
- Thank God for what you heard Him doing in other people’s lives
- For strength for today and for tomorrow
- For the Holy Spirit
- He who knows how to think will be able to thank God
- In every situation, appreciate God (1Thessa 5:18)
- Thank Him for multiplication
- For everything that must increase, God must be gratefully acknowledged.
- Thank God for where you are now and He will take you to where you want to be
- Anyone who lives a life of complaint lives a life of defeat