by CAC - East of Luton | Sep 1, 2019
Remembering the goodness of God is something we have to do every day of our life. God is always good and He is faithful in all situation which should cause us to give thanks to Him. Always remember the goodness of God. He is always good, even when things are bad God...
by CAC - East of Luton | Aug 18, 2019
Last week we started the teaching on being a practical christian and we are continuing it today. Anything we do must bring glory to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 and we should keep this in mind because we are ambassadors for God. As a practical Christian, we will know that...
by CAC - East of Luton | Aug 11, 2019
Practical Christian Just because you go to church, preach or sing in the Church does not make you a Christian. To be a practical christian, you have to be born again, have a change of heart (changed from the inside and transformed) and this is done by the work of the...
by CAC - East of Luton | Aug 4, 2019
When we say trust God, it means reliance on God’s ability, having confidence and having assurance in Him. It means having unwavering confidence in God’s power and sovereignty without looking for quick fixes. While waiting and trusting God, we have to wait...
by CAC - East of Luton | Jul 14, 2019
Christian giving is the giving that is acceptable unto God. Christian giving should begin with giving our lives unto God before we give our material giving. It is beneficial to give unto God and there are several principles to giving. It should be something that we...